Version Date Release Notes CompatibilityOSX iLok
1.0.2 BETA 22-03-2025
-New option: Foot and breath Midi messages mixed with AfterTouch.
-New Modulation source: PitchBend.
-New Modulation destination: Sine wave, Noise.
-New Effect: Resonator.
-VST3: Midi Assignation correctly working.
-OSX: Multi-threading option
Mac OSX 10.13 and later (64 bits, Intel&Apple Silicone): VST2.4, VST3, Audio Unit, AAX (native)download iLok
1.0.1 30-01-2025
-AAX: OSX and windows working
-Factory presets: some names updated
-Random ring tone when browsing presets is fixed.
-Preset Guitar2 fixed
-AudioUnit: Latency (1ms) correctly reported to the DAW.
-UI: The Toolsbar is now included in the UI size
-New Parameters DRIFT for increasing or decreasing the analog instabilities.
-VST3 and AudioUnit: changing preset with Arrow now working.
-Preset Manager: Improving the browser (preset loaded when selected, no more double click needed)
-VST3: Foot expression now working.
-Init patch has been updated (letting the performance AfterTouch working)
-UI: "SY" labels have been changed to "BPM"
-Sustain Pedal: When SUST. and PORT. switches are off, the sustain pedal works as any other synths.
Mac OSX 10.13 and later (64 bits, Intel&Apple Silicone): VST2.4, VST3, Audio Unit, AAX (native)download iLok
1.0.0 06-01-2025
-Initial Release
Mac OSX 10.13 and later (64 bits, Intel&Apple Silicone): VST2.4, VST3, Audio Unit, AAX (native)download iLok


Version Date Release Notes CompatibilityWindows iLok
1.0.2 BETA 22-03-2025
-New option: Foot and breath Midi messages mixed with AfterTouch.
-New Modulation source: PitchBend.
-New Modulation destination: Sine wave, Noise.
-New Effect: Resonator.
-VST3: Midi Assignation correctly working.
-OSX: Multi-threading option
Windows 7,8,10 and 11 (64 bits): VST2.4, VST3, AAX (native)download iLok
1.0.1 30-01-2025
-AAX: OSX and windows working
-Factory presets: some names updated
-Random ring tone when browsing presets is fixed.
-Preset Guitar2 fixed
-AudioUnit: Latency (1ms) correctly reported to the DAW.
-UI: The Toolsbar is now included in the UI size
-New Parameters DRIFT for increasing or decreasing the analog instabilities.
-VST3 and AudioUnit: changing preset with Arrow now working.
-Preset Manager: Improving the browser (preset loaded when selected, no more double click needed)
-VST3: Foot expression now working.
-Init patch has been updated (letting the performance AfterTouch working)
-UI: "SY" labels have been changed to "BPM"
-Sustain Pedal: When SUST. and PORT. switches are off, the sustain pedal works as any other synths.
Windows 7,8,10 and 11 (64 bits): VST2.4, VST3, AAX (native)download iLok
1.0.0 06-01-2025
-Initial Release
Windows 7,8,10 and 11 (64 bits): VST2.4, VST3, AAX (native)download iLok